HytroTek as a Led Lighting solution provider was established in 2010 with the value of high quality cared and best service-oriented in the lighting industry, we had come to realise the relationship between suppliers and clients had become fractured due to lack of support, so we set about to do things differently.

At Hytrotek, we work with clients as a team, not just as a vendor, we discuss the applications, con
sult with clients on lighting simulations, educating them on the latest Led products and technology, and offering them professional advice base on the best energy-saving, most cost-saving, and user-friendly solutions.

The directors of Hytrotek lay in lighting control, energy management, supply chain management, which ensures each part of the manufacturing, supply, and consulting process is met with the highest quality.  We know and we care what you want….

Let's work together to bring an eco-friendly and brighter world to our next generation.
Company Vision
Company Vision: To provide integrated services, highlight the city's beauty with lights Company Value: Passion, Integrity, Reliability, Innovation Company Mission: Working with partners to create a low-carbon world Lighting up the bright future of descendants